There comes a point when every project losings steam. When you just don't feel like working on it anymore.Where you consider putting it aside for a while and taking a break. For me that point is called the fuckin' sleeves. I hate/fear sleeves. A bodice may fit perfectly, until you add sleeves. You may not feel overly constricted, with good range of motion and joyful thoughts about the project. And then you add sleeves. Bad sleeves can make a great costume a horror to wear. And they are so weirdly shaped. Not to mention historically through a number of periods tight sleeves were the thing, and it's hard to make sleeves that are tight enough to look good, but loose enough to be comfort.
I had a break from my project Monday since Cas had the day off work, so I made mock-ups for her bodice so after I finish mine I can move onto hers without much effort. It can be hard to get a hold of people, and I wasn't going to waste the opportunity. Tuesday I screwed around. Wednesday I reminded myself of my deadline and started doing things. Finished the sleeves and the collar (which took two tries) and started hand-tacking down things on the inside. Today I applied boning to half the bodice, and soon I'll be trying it on to check how they fit (I only want to do half in case some bones need to be moved). I'll also be putting in the waist tape, and adding buttons. Buttonholes probably won't happen until tomorrow. Until then here's some photos from before I altered the neckline and added the collar:
Sleeve looks wrinkled cause I'm holding my arm out of the way so you can see the bustle. |
Back looks weird because of angle of backwards selfie. |
Here's a quick shot I took to consider buttons. These aren't the ones I'm going with, but you can see the henley neckline and collar. |
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