The pattern for the combination was of my own creation, and could have been better fitted. The waist is too low, closer to where I wear pants normally and not my actual waist, and the drawers could have been pleated more evenly. As it stands, the butt looks like a diaper to me. But being this is underwear, meant to protect the corset and provide modesty, so I'm not terribly bothered by its failings.
View of the front: This combination is made of white muslin, trimmed in lace, and closes with eight buttons, a bow at the neckline, and a ribbon sash at the waist.
View of back: Dropped waistline obvious, as well as that diaper effect I mentioned.
Close-up of front, my messy dreads, and the disapproving expression I wear when dealing with my phone's camera.
Lace Trimming: This is crocheted lace I made is "Trimming for a chemise" from Weldon's Practical Crochet, vol. 10. It is sewn onto the neck edge as well as both leg openings. Originally, the scallop points along the bottom were larger and more lace-y, but I wanted something more toned down for Dean. The ribbon is a burgundy velvet ribbon found in the dollar bins at Joann's. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough for the legs as well. I may replace it with a different ribbon later.
Hand stitched buttonholes, which I'm proud of myself for actually doing (even if I did do them wrong). My sewing machine does have an attachment for making buttonholes, but they're ugly so I decided to do buttonholes by hand.
Lastly, the belt. This is some burgundy satin ribbon I picked up at Michael's. It's polyester, but it's hard to find ribbon that isn't. Towards the left of the picture you can just barely make out where I sewed the ribbon to the back seam. Then at each dart and seam I used cotton crochet thread to make belt loops.
All in all I'm quite pleased. I'm currently working on lace to trim Castiel's chemise and drawers, as well as drafting corset patterns. With many luck I'll have all my foundation garments done by April.